This article was published before Vincent & Brown became Vincent & Partners
The Roman Quarter is Submitted for Planning

Vincent & Brown have submitted proposals for a landmark mixed-used development within York for local developers Rougier Street Developments, York Archaeological Trust, and partners North Star.
Vincent & Brown have worked in close collaboration with the Council to develop an iconic scheme that creates a positive relationship with the existing surroundings and counteracts the negative characteristics of the area.
Divided into two distinct buildings, the proposals establish a visual porosity over the site from both local pedestrian views as well as from medium to long distance views. The physical break in the building abolishes the existing oppressive nature along the street, whilst improving daylight to the surrounding environment.
A triple height atrium links the two buildings and defines the entrance to EBORACUM, a world class visitor attraction, creating a great sense of arrival and destination from both Rougier Street and the re-established Roman Road.
The facade has been designed to create a horizontal emphasis, generating an appearance that ‘moves’ along the street focusing the eye on the lower floors.
The Roman Quarter development offers a major regeneration opportunity that will be of huge benefit to and a major asset to the City of York. Vincent & Brown have worked closely with O’Neills Planning Consultant, Re-form Landscape Architects Re-form and Montagu Evans to develop the scheme.
4 Feb 2022